Bach Chronicles #2--18th century job description for 18 year-old JSB.

In 1703, when Bach was 18 years old and he was hired by the court of Weimar and reported to Count Anton Günther II. Below is the text from his certificate of appointment:

Whereas our Noble and Most Gracious Count and Master, Anton Günther, one of the Four Counts of the Empire, has caused you, Johann Sebastian Bach, to be accepted and appointed as organist in the New Church, now, therefore, you are to be true, faithful, and obedient to him, His above-mentioned Noble Grace, the Count, and especially to show yourself industrious and reliable in the office, vocation, and practice of art and science that are assigned to you; not to mix into other affairs and functions; to appear promptly on Sundays, feast days and other days of public service in the said New Church at the organ entrusted to you; to play the latter as is fitting; to keep a watchful eye over it and take faithful care of it.

You are expected in your daily life to cultivate the fear of God, sobriety, and the love of peace; altogether to avoid bad company and any distraction from your calling; and in general to conduct yourself in all things toward God, High Authority and your superiors, as befits an honour-loving servant and organist.”

All in a day’s work for the 18 year old musician as he was conjuring what notes to play and write down next.

Later in 2023, I’ll be releasing “American Bach Revisited” featuring J.S. Bach’s Cello Suites 1 & 3, where the melody is played on the banjo accompanied by a continuo bassline played on the cello.

michael miles