Which Side Are You On? TRUST (video)

This is TRUST, Part 6 of the 8 part Which Side Are You On? Trust seems to be a question on the minds of many. Do you trust the government? Can you trust the health system? Will you trust the schools to keep the children safe? As the country struggles with itself, trust has eroded and it is up to good leadership to bring it back.

And where is that leadership? The GOP, led by McConnell and the white house occupant, have led the country to a point where America, once the most-trusted country in the world, is now disrespected. In the name of “the base” they have thrown ethics out the window and have a cast of ready and able enablers to help them achieve their goals. And they have effectively turned America against itself. Red states don’t trust the blue ones and vice versa, and science has been politicized. If you wear a mask you’re just a liberal, not to be trusted.

There is a pathway forward, and its name is trust. When we can believe, like John Lewis did, that goodness and righteousness will prevail on its own merits, not because they are forced on anyone—then there can be hope. It will be brighter day, when we can trust one another.

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